Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Scientific responsibilities

  • Responsibility of Master 2-program (speciality TAL) at UFR Math-Info, University of Lorraine (L. Buhry)

  • Local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus program LCT (Language and Communication Technologies) (L. Buhry)

  • Responsibility of Master program in Computer Science (speciality Recherche IPAC), University of Lorraine (L. Bougrain)

  • Head of Professional Master Internships in Computer Science, University of Lorraine (L. Bougrain)

  • Member of committee IST (L. Bougrain)

  • Head of the Communication team of the Computer Science Department of FST (L. Bougrain)

  • Member of the Program Committee of the conference on Automatic Learning (CAP) (L. Bougrain)

  • Member of the Board of Directors in Organization of Computation Neuroscience (A. Hutt)

  • Editor of Journal ISRN Probability and Statistics and Dataset Papers in Medicine – Anesthesiology (A.Hutt)

Review activity

  • For journals: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, New Journal of Physics, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review E, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Advances in Difference Equations, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, ISRN Probability and Statistics, Scholarpedia (A. Hutt); Journal of Neural Engineering, Neurocomputing, CSSP (Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing) (L. Buhry)

  • Programme FP7-PEOPLE (L. Buhry)

  • Programme FP7-FET Human Brain Project (A. Hutt)

Conference organization and participation

  • Organization of the g.tec-workshop at LORIA (L. Bougrain)

  • Organization of a workshop at the Computational Neuroscience Conference in Paris (A. Hutt)

  • Organization of a one-day tutorial at the Computational Neuroscience Conference in Paris (A. Hutt)

  • Member of the organization commitee of Forum des Sciences Cognitives at Nancy (L. Buhry)